- IEC61540国际标准适用于家用和类似用途的便携式装置(以下简称便携式剩余电流装置(PRCD),由插头、剩余电流装置和一个或多个插座或连接装置组成,功能独立于或依赖于线路电压。它们不包含过电流保护。它们适用于单相电路,额定电流不超过16 A,额定电压不超过250 V交流,或额定电流不大于32 A,额定电流对地不超过130 V交流。除了下游电路的固定装置提供的保护外,它们还旨在提供直接接触时的电击危险保护。PRCD的额定剩余工作电流不超过0.03A。
- IEC61540国际标准适用于同时具有检测剩余电流、将剩余电流值与剩余工作值进行比较以及当剩余电流超过该值时打开受保护电路等功能的便携式设备。
- Indelibility of marking 标记的不可磨灭性
- Reliability of screws, current-carrying parts and connections 螺钉、载流部件和连接的可靠性
- Reliability of terminals for external conductors 外部导体端子的可靠性
- Protection against electric shock 防止触电
- Dielectric properties 介电性能
- Temperature rise 温升
- Operating characteristic 运行特性
- Mechanical and electrical endurance 机械和电气耐久性
- Behaviour of PRCDs under overcurrent conditions 在过电流条件下的PRCD的行为
- Resistance to mechanical shock and impact 抗机械冲击和冲击
- Resistance to heat 耐热性
- Resistance of insulating material to abnormal heat and to fire 绝缘材料对异常热和火灾的抵抗力
- Trip-free mechanism 自动跳闸机制
- Operation of the test device 测试装置的操作
- Behaviour of PRCDs functionally dependent on line voltage, classified under 4.3.2 in case of failure of the line voltage PRCDs的性能在功能上依赖于线路电压,在线路电压失效的情况下,分类在4.3.2
- Limiting values of the non-operating current under overcurrent conditions 过电流条件下非工作电流的极限值
- Resistance against unwanted tripping due to surge currents to earth resulting from impulse voltages for PRCDs of IAn > 0.010A 由IAn>0.010A的PRCD的脉冲电压导致的对地浪涌电流导致的不必要跳闸的电阻
- Resistance of the PRCD against impulse voltages PRCD对脉冲电压的电阻
- Correct operation with residual currents having d.c. components 具有直流分量的剩余电流的正确操作
- Reliability 可靠性
- Ageing of electronic components 电子元件老化
- Resistance to tracking 抗跟踪性
- Pins provided with insulating sleeves 配有绝缘套管的销
- Mechanical strength of non-solid pins of plugs and portable socket-outlets 插头和便携式插座的非实心插脚的机械强度
- Effects of strain on the conductors 应变对导体的影响
- Torque exerted by plug-in PRCDs on fixed socket-outlets 插入式PRCD在固定插座上施加的扭矩
- Retention of cord anchorage 绳索锚固的保持力
- Flexing test of non-rewirable PRCDs 不可拆线PRCD的挠曲试验
- Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) 电磁兼容性(EMC)
- Tests replacing verifications of creepage distances and clearances for PRCDs containing electronic components permanently connected between the two poles 包含永久性连接在两极之间的电子部件的PRCD的爬电距离和间隙的试验替代验证
- Requirements for single electronic components used in PRCDs PRCD中使用的单个电子元件的要求
1. 提供样品;
2. 填写申请表;
3. 提供产品所需资料,如:产品说明书,产品型号清单列表(系列型号),关键元件清单及认证证书,产品照片,名牌等;
4. 样品测试,合格发报告,不合格整改,整改完成再测试,测试通过后再出报告。